现在为了安全Google二次验证使用越来越平凡了,所以我们自己做的一些产品中,也会用到Google Authenticator。


Google Authenticator采用的算法是TOTP(Time-Based One-Time Password基于时间的一次性密码),其核心内容包括以下三点:

  • 一个共享密钥(一个比特序列);
  • 当前时间输入;
  • 一个签署函数。

1. 共享密钥



2. 时间


3. 签署函数


4. 生成6位数密码



1. 手机客户端直接下载Google Authenticator

2. 服务器验证代码如下:

import (

func toBytes(value int64) []byte {
	var result []byte
	mask := int64(0xFF)
	shifts := [8]uint16{56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0}
	for _, shift := range shifts {
		result = append(result, byte((value>>shift)&mask))
	return result

func toUint32(bytes []byte) uint32 {
	return (uint32(bytes[0]) << 24) + (uint32(bytes[1]) << 16) +
		(uint32(bytes[2]) << 8) + uint32(bytes[3])

func oneTimePassword(key []byte, value []byte) uint32 {
	// sign the value using HMAC-SHA1
	hmacSha1 := hmac.New(sha1.New, key)
	hash := hmacSha1.Sum(nil)

	// We're going to use a subset of the generated hash.
	// Using the last nibble (half-byte) to choose the index to start from.
	// This number is always appropriate as it's maximum decimal 15, the hash will
	// have the maximum index 19 (20 bytes of SHA1) and we need 4 bytes.
	offset := hash[len(hash)-1] & 0x0F

	// get a 32-bit (4-byte) chunk from the hash starting at offset
	hashParts := hash[offset : offset+4]

	// ignore the most significant bit as per RFC 4226
	hashParts[0] = hashParts[0] & 0x7F

	number := toUint32(hashParts)

	// size to 6 digits
	// one million is the first number with 7 digits so the remainder
	// of the division will always return < 7 digits
	pwd := number % 1000000

	return pwd

// getCode 获取验证码
func getCode(secretKey string, epochSeconds int64) (code int32) {
	secretKeyUpper := strings.ToUpper(secretKey)
	key, err := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(secretKeyUpper)
	if err != nil {

	// generate a one-time password using the time at 30-second intervals
	code = int32(oneTimePassword(key, toBytes(epochSeconds/30)))

// 验证,传入验证key和code代码,返回验证是否成功
func CheckCode(secretKey string, code int32) bool {
        // 当前google值
        epochSeconds := time.Now().Unix()
	if getCode(secretKey, epochSeconds ) == code {
		return true

	// 前30秒google值
	if getCode(secretKey, epochSeconds -30) == code {
		return true

	// 后30秒google值
	if getCode(secretKey, epochSeconds +30) == code {
		return true

	return false